hoy lawi

san pupunta, tapon basura?

it's a song

here i swear | forever is just a minute to me

It seems you see the world in black and white, someone told her once. "But the world isn't black and white. Sometimes there are grays."

She thinks about it sometimes. Black is wrong. White is right. Gray is arguable - not wrong, but not right either. Or maybe both wrong and right, at the same time. She wonders sometimes if maybe he's right, that she looks at the world too binarily.

It ends the same way, all the time. No matter how she thinks about it, white is white and black is black. Wrong is wrong and right is right. 

The people who say there's gray - they're the people who know that they're about to do something black but are to cowardly to admit it, or too vain to think they will ever do wrong. 

So they try to justify their actions to themselves by saying there's gray.