11:40 AM

It sucks.

I mean, how it feels when you look forward to something and then it doesn’t happen. In a single second, all the warm, fuzzy, positive anticipation that’s been building up inside that Cro-magnon skull (or ribcage, if you believe that feelings come from the heart) of yours flies out of the window and dives straight into Sauron’s Black Pit, where it becomes the detestable feeling of bitterness.

The event was a total blast. True, there weren’t any free food to eat, fun games to play and even time to just sit down and tell stories – basically what we had to do was work our beautiful asses off - but my awesome friends were enough to turn hell into a playground for the naughty little devils that we were. And boy, it was one heck of a playground.

She was… rather, he was there – nah, it still doesn’t sound right - …Fine, IT was there. For whatever reason it had to be there. Inexplicably it didn’t want to quarrel with me like it usually did – okay, okay - inexplicably I did not want to quarrel with it like I usually did. So we were all smiles and friendly chats to each other, and to my horror, it wasn’t that bad. It was actually… fun.

The day was good. Great, actually. And I would have been completely happy…

…if it weren’t for the fact that the person who really mattered was not there.

“Lady Dreamer, you might be the soundest sleeper
Tonight, sleep tight, and build your nest upon my shoulder…”
-Clockwatching, Jason Mraz

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