Ruat Caelum

12:24 PM

Tonight she made the heavens fall
By telling you that she wants this,
Telling you to tell her that you want this,
You want this, dammit, you -

And the floods came
The people,
The words,
Too many,
Too much,
Just a little too much.

But they're all fleeting, all of them
Nothing is etched to permanence
She looks at her palms
And she does not see more marks.
Then again she doesn't know
What permanence is anymore
Even those with the mark
Have kept their silence -
More than once,
More than they spoke.
It just saddens her to see
That the ones she expected
Were the ones who were not there.

She will rest before the sun sets
And in the evening will plow again
Tonight is a gem among stones
Not every night will be like this
But she will try
She will try

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