First | Freeze | Fun

9:15 PM

Today I got my first and last salary from BPI for the fifteen glorious days I spent trying to be what I apparently am not meant to be.

The figure looks HUGE because they threw in a couple of bonuses and allowances, but since those bonuses and allowances are for the months of June to December, I have to return 5/6 of them. By my calculations, which my Accounting Exam has proven yet again to be inaccurate 90% of the time, I’m gonna be left with only around 16K net. Still, not bad for three weeks.

This experience has made me realize one thing. It feels good to have your own money. You don’t even have to be able to spend it, just seeing the figures and knowing that you earned it and it’s all yours makes you feel good. I went back to the ATM like eight times today just to see my balance, that’s how great it feels.

I like having money. And I promise that when I have my next job, I’ll do my best to always have a lot of it. All the time. ^_^


It takes a lot to make me look away
And that’s what you do when you look back at me.
It takes a lot to make me fumble
And that’s what you do when you chat me up about NBA.
It takes a lot to make me mumble
And that’s what you do when you ask me about MMA.
It takes a lot to make me nervous
And that’s what you do when you sit beside me.
It takes a lot to make me keep quiet
And that’s what you do when you walk next to me.

You can’t make me freeze.

But that’s what you did when you put your arm around my shoulders.


So far, I’ve taken losing my first and probably most promising job ever, in stride. I laugh about it, joke about it, even look like I know things are going to be fine, but the truth is I am so disgusted with myself that a lot of times I feel like throwing up. Sometimes I even do.

And you know what I do to make myself feel better when my life sucks so bad? I take every inch of consolation that I can from this.

GSP is not impressed

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