Ode to Kevin

10:04 PM

Sometimes I feel like I know you
enough to know when you’re in a good mood so
I can goof around with you and when you’re in a bad mood
so I have to shut up and go away but you always end up proving me
wrong because when I expect you to be boastful you take credit away from
yourself and when I expect you to stand your ground you wallow in self-pity
and doubt yourself and it makes me think if I do know you as much as I assume
I do but at the end of the day I tell myself that fine maybe I don’t know you
that well and I don’t know why you act that way and maybe I’ll never know
you as well as other closer people do and maybe I’ll never know why you
act that way but what I do know is that you have my respect and my
trust because you earned it and as long as I believe that you’re
doing what you think is right and what you think is best
you will never really be alone like you say you are –

Because I’m here for you. ^_^

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